Thursday 26 February 2009

She has flown away

She has green eyes
and a sun in her front
flowers grew where she steped
she was the queen of the place
she liked to fly she liked to play
there's long time ago since she flown away from me
without say goodbye
but she does not say anything else
because there is nothing else she could say
she took my colour paintures
and she left me alone in this strange world
and this hurts....

1 comment:

joangi said...

Tio, encara em tens flipat amb el teu blog.
El puc posar en la llista el meu blog i també en la dels Correcuita?
Faré l'esforç i intentaré llegir una mica d'anglès, segur que m'anirà bé. Espero que estiguis bé. Continuem en contacte per mail, blogs i el que calgui.