Thursday, 29 May 2008

My Dream...

Yes, I'm Happy cause Ori, Marissa and little Laia are going to come to visit me!! If there is something I'm really sorry is not being able to see how Laia is growing, it is one of the bad things that has living abroad: losing contact with my very good friends. However Oriol is the living proof that even with the long distance strong friendship doesn't get weak but more stong! I also miss Didi a lot! Our long neverending conversations mixed with beers. And many others of course.... I don't forget you Dani!!!!

However I'm afraid that after such a long time abroad (who knows when I will finally come back) all will be different. Of course they will be my friends but I will change and maybe in a so different way than them! I would like to keep such a lot of nice memories in my mind, all these especial moments of our lives that we past together.... and that we will never repeat again! Remeber us young and with a lot of vitalogy, doing crazy things and against the standards... feeling us free... all was possible, no rules no limits. We ruled our lives no live to us.... Have we lost?

While riding on a train goin' west,
I fell asleep for to take my rest.
I dreamed a dream that made me sad,
Concerning myself and the first few friends I had.

With half-damp eyes I stared to the room
Where my friends and I spent many an afternoon,
Where we together weathered many a storm,
Laughin' and singin' till the early hours of the morn.

By the old wooden stove where our hats was hung,
Our words were told, our songs were sung,
Where we longed for nothin' and were quite satisfied
Talkin' and a-jokin' about the world outside.

With haunted hearts through the heat and cold,
We never thought we could ever get old.
We thought we could sit forever in fun
But our chances really was a million to one.

As easy it was to tell black from white,
It was all that easy to tell wrong from right.
And our choices were few and the thought never hit
That the one road we traveled would ever shatter and split.

How many a year has passed and gone,
And many a gamble has been lost and won,
And many a road taken by many a friend,
And each one I've never seen again.

I wish, I wish, I wish in vain,
That we could sit simply in that room again.
Ten thousand dollars at the drop of a hat,
I'd give it all gladly if our lives could be like that.

Friday, 23 May 2008


Well I think that it can be confirmed yet... I will be uncle soon! My sister is pregnant!!
I'm really excited about the new! I'm very happy for her and for my parents as well, that they were really wishing it!

Woow! It's difficult to imagine that my little sister is going to be mother!! uffff!!

Well this goes for he or she! I wish him/her all the luck of the world... and to his/her mother... of course!!!

For his age, he's wise
He's got his mother's eyes
There's gladness in his heart
He's young and he's wild
My only prayer is, if I can't be there,
Lord, protect my child

As his youth now unfolds
He is centuries old
Just to see him at play makes me smile
No matter what happens to me
No matter what my destiny
Lord, protect my child

While the world is asleep
You can look at it and weep
Few things you find are worthwhile
And though I don't ask for much
No material things to touch
Lord, protect my child

He's young and on fire
Full of hope and desire
In a world that's been raped, raped and defiled
If I fall along the way
And can't see another day
Lord, protect my child

There'll be a time I hear tell
When all will be well
When God and man will be reconciled
But until men lose their chains
And righteousness reigns
Lord, protect my child

Tuesday, 20 May 2008


Yes!!! I did it!! I finished København Marathon! Not only this, I did it properly, I mean running ALL the time and with a more than excellent time for being the first time (and maybe the last one). I'm very happy because I did a thing that few months ago wasn't been impossible to think about! The power of will moves mountains really!!!

Thus, after such a long and hard training all has been worth!! I'd would like to thank everybody that has helped me and cheered me up, but especially to Joost for his patience during all the days we went to train, without him it wouldn't be possible!!

Now... time to rest!!!

The sea so deep and blind

The sun, the wild regret
The club, the wheel, the mind,
O love, aren't you tired yet?

The club, the wheel, the mind

O love, aren't you tired yet?
The blood, the soil, the faith
These words you can't forget
Your vow, your holy place
O love, aren't you tired yet?

The blood, the soil, the faith

O love, aren't you tired yet?
A cross on every hill
A star, a minaret
So many graves to fill
O love, aren't you tired yet?

So many graves to fill

O love, aren't you tired yet?
The sea so deep and blind
Where still the sun must set
And time itself unwind
O love, aren't you tired yet?
And time itself unwind
O love, aren't you tired yet?

Leonard Cohen

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Man on the Street

Well it is the day. This sunday I'll face one the most difficult but exciting challanges I've ever done... the Kobenhavn Marathon 2008!!! After 4 months training almost everyday it is the moment. From the realistic point of view I know it will be a torment, especially the never ending last kms. But anyway the decision is done, maybe my last one! From this lines just acknowledge to everybody that has supported me and that gave me usefull advices... I'll do my best!!!

The song is for what might happen....

I'll sing you a song, ain't very long,
about an old man who never done wrong.
How he died nobody can say,
They found him dead in the street one day.

Well, the crowd, they gathered one fine morn,
At the man whose clothes 'n' shoes were torn.
There on the sidewalk he did lay,
They stopped 'n' stared 'n' walked their way.

Well, the p'liceman come and he looked around,
"Get up, old man, or I'm a-takin' you down."
He jabbed him once with his billy club
And the old man then rolled off the curb.

Well, he jabbed him again and loudly said,
"Call the wagon; this man is dead."
The wagon come, they loaded him in,
I never saw the man again.

I've sung you my song, it ain't very long,
ÔBout an old man who never done wrong.
How he died no one can say,
They found him dead in the street one day.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

"Danish" is the Loving tongue!!!

Yes!!!!!!!!! I did it!! At the second attempt I have past the first level Danish exam! I'm closer to become a danish now!! hehehe! .... Actually I had to invite the examinator for a beer because otherwise ... ejemmm!! Well... but anyway it is done! After 9 months here I recap my danish and it is really a crap, I think that there is no more space in my head for other language than mathematics!! But well at least I know how to say some important things in danish, well the survival stuff like beer, hungry and of course .... jeg elsker dig!!!

Broke her heart, lost my own
Adios, Mi corazon

Spanish is the loving tongue
Soft as music, light as spray
'Twas a girl I learned it from
Living down Sonora way
I don't look much like a lover
Still I say her loved words over
Mostly when I'm all alone!
Mi amor, Mi corazon

Haven't seen her since that night
I can't cross the line you know
Wanted for a gambling fight
Like as not it's better so
Still I've always kind of missed her
Since that last sad night I kissed her
Broke her heart, lost my own
Adios, Mi corazon

Broke her heart, lost my own
Adios, Mi corazon
Adios, Mi corazon